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Material Safety of Aluminium

At Solitaire Steel & Engineering LLP, we prioritize the safety of our aluminum products, ensuring that they meet all health and safety standards during processing, usage, and recycling. Aluminum and its alloys are known for being inert and non-reactive when used properly, making them safe for a wide range of applications. Extensive testing and long-term usage confirm that aluminum is safe with minimal health risks.

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Safety Standards and Compliance

We only stock and sell standardized Aluminium and Aluminium alloy grades that have been proven safe for their intended applications. All our suppliers are certified under the ISO 9001 quality standard, ensuring that the Aluminium products we provide comply with strict safety and quality requirements. Additionally, our Sales and Distribution Service Centers are also ISO 9001 certified, reinforcing our commitment to providing safe and reliable materials.

For more detailed safety information, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Aluminium and Aluminium alloys provided by leading global manufacturers.

RoHS & WEEE Directives

Our Aluminium products comply with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, which focuses on recycling and eliminating the use of hazardous substances in the manufacturing of electronic products. The Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive aims to eliminate specific environmentally harmful substances, including:

  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Cadmium
  • Hexavalent Chromium
  • Polybrominated Diphenyls (PBDs)
  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

These substances must be limited to a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in electrical and electronic equipment. Exceptions exist for specific applications where lead is used as an alloying element, with limits set at:

  • 0.35% in steels (including stainless steel)
  • 0.40% in Aluminium
  • 4.00% in copper alloys

Supplier Compliance Statement

Our suppliers confirm that all Aluminium materials we provide conform to the RoHS Directive. We ensure that the levels of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB, and PBDE in our products are well below the maximum permissible limits under European Directive 2002/95/EC. The only exceptions are specific grades where international standards allow for higher levels of these substances, in which case we comply with the relevant standards.

For more information on the safety of our Aluminium products or to view MSDS datasheets, visit our Aluminium Safety Page. or contact us directly.